Newsletter – Spring 2021

Well it’s been a tough year for everyone. Last March, we had to quickly adapt to the changes that COVID-19 brought. We were able to operate throughout as staff worked from home, and thankfully we seem to be coming out the other end. 2021 is a new year and we are excited for what’s ahead.
Introducing Frances…
Denise was promoted to Office Manager leaving a vacancy open for an Administrator. Frances applied for the role and shone in her interview, so we knew that she would be a great addition to the team. Frances started towards the end of last year and has settled in very well. She has worked in different roles in the property sector for years, so has a good all-round knowledge of the industry. Read Frances’s profile here.
Denise and Wendy have been conducting letting valuations either virtually or in empty properties but are looking forward to getting back out and meeting people. For us, good customer contact is at the heart of everything we do. If you need any advice on letting your home or becoming a Landlord, have a look through our Landlords section or get in touch here.
Marnie has not only successfully completed her Apprenticeship, but she won Apprentice of the Year 2021 through her training provider, SET Training. We are delighted that Marnie has decided to continue working with us while continuing her studies in digital marketing. Recently she has been learning how to shoot and edit Virtual Tours, which were so crucial through lockdown.
Letting Agent Registration Number (LARN)
All Letting Agents in Scotland should have a LARN number. That way, you know that they adhere to the Letting Agent Code of Practice and have a professional approach. Three years ago, we were one of the first agencies in Scotland to be granted a LARN number and it’s time to renew our registration already. All our staff who are Letwell (industry) qualified have been ensuring that their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours are logged as part of the criteria to ensure we are granted the registration again. By regularly attending training and webinars, we ensure that our knowledge of the letting industry in Scotland remains relevant.
It’s been 5 years since EICRs (Electrical Inspection & Condition Reports) were instructed on some of our properties, so our Property Managers are re-instructing them this year, to ensure that our Landlords remain compliant. This in addition to bi-annual LRAs (Legionella Risk Assessments), Portable Appliance Tests (PAT), annual Gas Safety Certificates (GSC) and EPCs (Energy Performance Certificates) which thankfully only need to be completed every 10 years. Click here for more information on compliance information.
That’s all for now. Wishing all our Landlords, Tenants and friends of the business a safe transition out of lockdown.